Information provided:
- Report findings on very specific research projects.
- Usually written to answer one specific research question.
- Written by scholars in an academic field (ex: neurobiology, computer science, political science, business law).
- Often contain detailed data.
- Often provide very specific examples that can be used to make generalizations.
- Contain references to other research publications that might support your research.
- Published a few times a year, making it a periodical.
Example publications:
Example that would help answer your question:
Kesselhut, J., Vermeulen, B., Pyka, A., & Saviotti P. P. (2018). The impact of automation on employment: Just the usual structural change? Sustainability, 10(5), 1661;
- Four robotic engineers studied how the implementation of a particular automated feature impacted eight companies over ten years.
- Their article outlines how much money was gained and lost and what the positive and negative human impacts were.
How to use an academic journal article:
For evidence to support your argument that implementing automation makes financial sense in the long run, even though there is a high up-front cost.