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ELL: English Language Learners

Resources for students learning English and enrolled in ELL classes

The Learning Commons

The Learning Commons is a space for students that offers Library and Tutoring Services

On the Marple Campus the Learning Commons is located in Room 4500 of Founders Hall and has group study rooms that students can reserve.  It also has 100 computers and has printers, copiers and scanning.  

Library Services

Using the library is an important part of being a college student.  These resources can give you a better understanding about today's library and the services it provides:

  • Definitions - This site gives explanations in English about many library terms.
  • Language Table - This table provides a list of library-related terms in seven languages. 

Information Desk:

  • Librarians are available and support the learning and research needs of students by offering research help at the Information Desk and by phone, email, chat, or appointment.  Librarians also teach information literacy classes and offer online workshops.

Circulation Desk:

  • Circulation is located near the Information Desk and is a place where students can go to borrow books, magazines, and other materials with a valid student ID.    Materials on reserve and technology such as laptops may also be borrowed at the Circulation Desk. 

Tutoring Services

Professional and peer tutors are available to support students in all subjects including writing services.  Schedule tutoring through Connect2Success.  Tutoring is also available after hours - 24/7 - through Brainfuse.

Map of the Learning Commons
(with certain areas highlighted)