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Lawrence, D. (2016, March). How fear impedes learning: Lessons from Dalian [Paper presentation]. Association for the Study of Play and the USA/IPA Conference, New Brunswick, NJ, United States.
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Lawrence, D. (2016, November). Confronting our beliefs and values: Identifying how they influence the interpretation of curriculum and early learning standards [Paper presentation]. National Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA, United States.
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Lawrence, D. (2017, November). Reflecting on our practice: Distinguishing between classrooms that teach and classrooms where children learn [Paper presentation]. National Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States.
Lawrence, D. (2018, February). Gifts of culture [Paper presentation]. Regional Conference for Play and Learn, Montgomery County Intermediate Unit, Norristown, PA, United States.
Lawrence, D. (2018, March). Active learning in the college classroom [Paper presentation]. Association for the Study of Play Annual Conference, Melbourne, FL, United States.
Lawrence, D. (2018, March). How fear impedes development [Paper presentation]. Association for the Study of Play Annual Conference, Melbourne, FL, United States.
Lawrence, D. (2018, June). Gifts of culture [Paper presentation]. National Association for the Education of Young Children, Professional Learning Institute, Austin, TX, United States.
Lawrence, D. (2018, October). ACCESS, Current and emerging trends in early childhood education [Paper presentation]. Early Childhood Education Summit, State College, PA, United States.
Lawrence, D. (2019, February). Educating the heart [Paper presentation]. Lost Opportunities, How Teaching Interferes with Learning Conference, Montgomery County Community College, Blue Bell, PA, United States.
Lawrence, D. (2019, March). Active learning in the college classroom [Paper presentation]. Association for the Study of Play and the Association on the Child’s Right to Play Conference, Harrisonburg, VA, United States.
Lawrence, D. (2019, March). Enhancing physical development in an environment that focuses on safety [Paper presentation]. Association for the Study of Play and the Association on the Child’s Right to Play Conference, Harrisonburg, VA, United States.
Lawrence, D. (2019, April). The impact of stress and trauma on the developing brain [Paper presentation]. Early Childhood Education Preconference, University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI, United States.
Lawrence, D. (2019, April). Working with children who have experienced adversity [Paper presentation]. Early Childhood Education Preconference, University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI, United States.
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Lawrence, D. (2019, April). Working with the children who challenge us [Paper presentation]. Early Childhood Education Conference, University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI, United States.
Learner-Wagner, L. (2017). One woman exhibition [Artwork exhibition]. Burrison Gallery, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States.
Learner-Wagner, L. (2017). One woman exhibition [Artwork exhibition]. Sweet Mabel’s, Narberth, PA, United States.
Learner-Wagner, L. (2018). One woman exhibition [Artwork exhibition]. Fireside Gallery, Mainline Unitarian Church, Devon, PA, United States.
Learner-Wagner, L. (2018, November). Host! The Havertown open studio tour! [Artwork exhibition]. Open studio tour, Havertown, PA, United States.
Learner-Wagner, L. (2019). One woman exhibition [Artwork exhibition]. Oakmont Roots Café, Havertown, PA, United States.
Losco, R. L., & Dadio, S. (2017). Human manipulated and human transported soils and their significance in wastewater & storm water recycling. In Proceedings of the National On-Site Wastewater Recycling Association Conference (pp.1-12). Dover, DE, United States.
Losco, R. L. (2017, March). Urban soils for SEO’s, dealing with human manipulated and human transported soils [Paper presentation]. Pennsylvania Association of Sewage Enforcement Officers Conference, Harrisburg, PA, United States.
Losco, R. L. (2018, March). Wastewater disposal in Central America [Paper presentation]. Pennsylvania Association of Sewage Enforcement Officers Conference, Harrisburg, PA, United States.
Losco, R. L., & Guertin, L. (2019, January). Student produced audio narratives: An innovative approach to student engagement [Paper presentation]. Conference for the Scholarship of Teaching, Learning and Assessment, West Chester University, West Chester, PA, United States.
Losco, R. L., Brown, R., & Chipman, A. (2019, September). The effect of plastic particles on heat transfer and retention in sand [Paper presentation]. Geological Society of America Conference, Phoenix, AZ, United States.
Losco, R. L., Guertin, L., & Kraal, E. (2019, September). Engaging students in introductory-level earth science courses through student produced audio narratives [Paper presentation]. Geological Society of America Conference, Phoenix, AZ, United States.
Losco, R. L. (2019, October). Wastewater disposal in Central America [Paper presentation]. Delaware On-site Wastewater Recycling Association (DOWRA) Conference, Harrington, DE, United States.
Miller, D. (2020, November). College developmental reading: A sample lesson on student engagement [Paper presentation]. Education Transformation 2020 Virtual Conference.
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Ray, S. E. (2019, March). Elwell’s Little Nell: The monument Dickens never wanted [Paper presentation]. Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies Conference, Dallas, TX, United States.
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Sepielli, M. (2019). Just painting [Artwork exhibition]. Jack Barrett Gallery, New York, NY, United States.
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Sepielli, M. (2021). Educate [Artwork exhibition]. Community Arts Center, Wallingford, PA, United States.
Skapik, D. (2020, January). Sugar, spice, and research that's nice: A recipe for attracting young women to physics and astronomy [Poster presentation]. 235th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Honolulu, HI, United States.
Sun, W., Powell, A., Campbell, S. E., Gardner, T., Overby, K., Hopson, M.C., Johnson, A. E., & Dasent, K. (2020, November). Communication at the crossroads: The impact of COVID-19 on African American communities [Panel presentation]. National Communication Association, Online.
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Ward, S. M. (2017, April). What makes a speaker competent? Applying the assessment rubric [Paper presentation]. Eastern Communication Association, Boston, MA, United States.
Ward, S. M. (2017, November). Online public speaking in the 21st century: Ensuring our legacy of ownership [Paper presentation]. National Communication Association Convention, Dallas, TX, United States.
Ward, S. M. (2017, November). (re)Defining the role of the community college: Exploring our legacy and relevance [Planner & Chair] National Communication Association Convention, Dallas, TX, United States.
Ward, S. M. (2018, April). Developing competent communicators: Creating space for controversial discussion in the intercultural communication classroom [Paper presentation]. Eastern Communication Association Convention, Pittsburgh, PA, United States.
Ward, S. M. (2018, November). Active learning at play: Student engagement in the online classroom [Paper presentation]. National Communication Association Convention, Salt Lake City, UT, United States.
Ward, S. M. (2018, November). Playing with research as a first-year Student - Undergraduate student research at community colleges [Paper presentation]. National Communication Association Convention, Salt Lake City, UT, United States.
Ward, S. M. (2018, November). Teachers’ office hours [Co-planner]. National Communication Association Convention, Salt Lake City, UT, United States.
Ward, S. M. (2019, April). Facilitating accountability: Using core communication competencies to assess the basic course [Paper presentation]. Eastern Communication Association Convention, Providence, RI, United States.
Ward, S. M. (2019, November). Can and should the discipline's more popular basic course--public speaking--be taught online? It is a matter of disciplinary survival. A response [Presentation]. National Communication Association Convention, Baltimore, MD, United States.
Ward, S. M. (2019, November). Documenting our worth: Making the case for survival through learning outcomes [Paper presentation]. National Communication Association Convention, Baltimore, MD, United States.
Ward, S. M. (2019, November). Survival online: Tips and techniques for instructors [Presentation]. National Communication Association Convention, Baltimore, MD, United States.
Ward, S. M. (2020, November). The power of introversion: Making space for introverts in communication course classrooms [Chair and Respondent]. National Communication Association Convention, Virtual, United States.
Ward, S. M. (2021, March). G.I.F.T.S. (Great Ideas for Teaching Students) program [Chair]. Eastern Communication Association Convention, Virtual, MD, United States.
Ward, S. M. (2021, March). Mind the design: Using effective formatting to shrink the distance between instructor and student in the online classroom [Presentation]. Eastern Communication Association Convention, Virtual, United States.
Agar, R. (2020). Experiences of non-traditional students in a self-paced, computer-based developmental mathematics course at a community college: A mixed methods study. (Publication No. 28264830). [Doctoral dissertation, Drexel University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
Cossaboon, S. H. (2020). Online versus traditional instruction in a community college (Publication No 27831071) [Doctoral dissertation, Grand Canyon University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
Donovan, L. M. (2018). Consumer response to proactive disclosure and transgression relevance in 25 to 45 year olds residing in the New England and Mid-Atlantic regions of the US (Publication No. 10810080) [Doctoral dissertation, Wilmington University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
Gallagher, D. E. (2018). Motherhood and community college faculty: Exploring perception and practice (Publication No. 10840832) [Doctoral dissertation, Widener University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
Lipscomb, D. L. (2018). Correlation between gift aid and student engagement among African American males enrolled at community colleges (Publication No. 10791042) [Doctoral dissertation, Widener University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
Spelina, J.M. (2016). Knock characterization, simulation, and control (Publication No 10189463). [Doctoral dissertation, Villanova University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
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Hench, T. (n.d.). Research by Thomas Hench, Ed.D.
Rajan, V. (n.d.). Frequent contributor to Inner Nature, a section of a monthly newsletter for the Pennsylvania State Beekeepers' Association. These articles also appear in the Unionville Times.
Danowitz, E. S. (2016, February). Praeger security international online: Terrorism, homeland security, strategy. [Review of the online resource]. Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, 53(6), 864.
Danowitz, E. S. (2016, June). The world of the American Revolution: A daily life encyclopedia. [Review of the book by Merril D. Smith]. Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, 53(10), 1463.
Danowitz, E. S. (2018, July). Humanities source ultimate [Review of the EBSCO database]. The Charleston Advisor, 20(1), 41-44.
Danowitz, E. S. (2019, January). The Palgrave handbook of anarchism. [Review of the book by Carl Levy & Matthew S. Adams]. Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, 56(5), 674-675.
Danowitz, E. S. (2020, January). American Historical Periodicals [Review of the Gale/Cengage product]. The Charleston Advisor, 21(3), 7-10.
Danowitz, E. S. (2021, July). The Woman’s Tribune [Review of the Accessible Archives product]. The Charleston Advisor, 23(1), 58-61.
Danowitz, E. S. (2021, August). Reviewer, Resources for College Libraries: Career Resources. Communication Bibliography. American Library Association.
Danowitz, E. S. (2021, September). The documentary imagination in twentieth-century French literature: Writing with facts [Review of the book by Alison James]. Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, 59(1).
Hedtke, J. R. (2017, March). A history of terrorism: From antiquity to ISIS. [Review of the book by Gerard Chaliand & Amaud Blin, editors]. Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, 54(7), 1087.
Hedtke, J. R. (2017, July). How the gloves came off. [Review of the book by Elizabeth Grimm Arsenault]. Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, 54(11), 1700.
Hedtke, J. R. (2018, August). Loyal republic. [Review of the book by Erik Mathisen]. Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, 55(12), 1526-1527.
LaMagna, M. (2020). Seats at the table. [Review of the film by Chris Farina]. Educational Media Reviews Online.
LaMagna, M. (2020). Softie. [Review of the film by Sam Soko]. Educational Media Reviews Online.